Friday, March 31, 2017

Deja Vu all over again

With apologies to the great Yogi Berra, the Trump administration and its travails are looking more and more like a rerun of the Nixon government and Watergate.   As Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, there have already been uncovered enough scandals to have compromised virtually any previous US government.  From Carl Icahn's self dealing to cabinet appointees lying in their Senate confirmation hearings to Trump's nepotism, it has been virtually non-stop.   Add to that the abject failure of virtually every legislative gambit by the republicans and the looming investigations of the Russian assault on our liberal democracy and you may even think the investigation of a "third rate burglary" pales in significance.  However, we are dealing with a man who has opined he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue in New York and he still wouldn't lose votes.  While Nixon obliquely appealed to the underlying racism and misogyny in America, Trump has made his approach more explicit and has reaped benefits from that.  The scandal which brings this administration down will have to be so virulent as to render The Donald toxic to more than 90% of the population.  If he had masterminded Watergate, he could probably have written a best selling book detailing the entire episode and gone on a triumphant tour.  That is the difference between 1973 and today.

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