Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekend thoughts

Spent a quiet weekend puttering around the house and hosting a Sunday night slide show of Casa Monzeglio's doings in the late 70s and 80s.  The offspring were thrilled to see their younger selves and parents in a variety of situations, mostly partying and vacationing, while their spouses and children were less than enchanted by images of very young children with no apparent relevance.  At least it prevented much thought on the political situation the kids and their children have to deal with on a daily basis.  It sounds like Cheeto Jesus and his henchman were unable to do too much damage to the body politic over the weekend.  If you deduct the B.S. factor from Trump's little rally, it would seem his supporters lined up for hours for the privilege of being lied to by a tie-less president who bragged about non-existent accomplishments and made unachievable promises.  It seems in order to work for Trump you must have either pledged allegiance to the leader and/or never said anything remotely critical of him.   Since the country has been exposed to Trump's bombast for decades, virtually no one with any expertise in business and finance has not said truthful/uncomplimentary things about him.  This limits his pool of potential employees to a small number of mostly unqualified sycophants.  Not promising.  On the bright side, at least for locals on the NCR, the weather was beautiful all weekend and the spring thaw continues apace.

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