Wednesday, February 22, 2017

First they came for the immigrants

Champlain, NY, made the national news yesterday as an immigrant family with legal status in the US sought asylum in Canada.  they crossed illegally with much fanfare.  Many illegals are also crossing into Quebec ahead of the new administration's crackdown on virtually all immigrants.  A misdemeanor fine for a broken taillight will now presumably be enough to get you a one way to the border.  With over 11 million people in the shadow economy, there will be literally millions of people eligible for deportation.  The government is asking for up to 10,000 new border patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to accomplish this task.  We are being asked to spend billions of dollars to deport mostly law abiding immigrants who do many of the jobs that citizens scorn.  Many upstate NY communities are beholden to these immigrants for the revitalization they bring to them.  All this disruption is being brought courtesy of the far right white supremacist movement that supported Trump.  Their next target will be the Jews.  After that it will be the political left.  We know where this ends, and it is not a good place.

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