Thursday, February 2, 2017

Foreign Policy Follies

Thanks to the angry birds of Twitter as well as the sieve like nature of communications in the Trump  administration we know that our Commander in Chief insulted the Australian prime minister, threatened Mexico with invasion and put the Iranians "on notice", whatever that means.  Meanwhile, the new Secretary of State is getting ready to blow a big wet kiss to Vladimir Putin.  If republicans in Congress manage to repeal the relevant provision in the Dodd-Frank bill, oil companies will no longer have to reveal payments to foreign governments.  I'll bet that was definitely on Putin's wish list!  The list of crazy actions taken by the fledgling Trump government is so long and egregious after less than 2 weeks it boggles the mind.  However, if you are a long time listener to Faux News and other right wing outlets, I'm sure this is situation normal and evidence that the dear leader is just asserting his god given authority over our perfidious allies.    The perspectives of red and blue America have probably not been this polarized since the Civil War or (War Between the States).  I hope the resolution is better than in the aforementioned conflict. 

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