Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Idiot's delight

Ift you take the barrage of leaks from the White House at face value, they confirm what most liberals and thinking conservatives already knew; that we have a malicious man-child on the loose.  Trump is portrayed as an incurious, malicious buffoon who alternates obsessive TV watching with  twitterstorms aimed at those he perceives as opposing him.  It would appear most policy making is done by the Bannon faction and executive orders are presented for Trump to sign even though he seems to have little or no idea of what is in them.   This may or may not be the truth of the situation, and Kevin Drum describes it as "liberal porn", but the fact remains that less than a month into a 4 year reign of error, the executive branch is in disarray.  The narrative presented by these leaks is terrifying to say the least.

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