Friday, February 17, 2017

Scary things

The President* held a press conference yesterday and the scary thing is not so much the content and performance of the Donald, but the diametrically opposed views of what occurred.  Most of the country was justifiably horrified by the spectacle of the leader of the free world scolding the press and maintaining in the face of all evidence to the contrary that his administration is running "Like a fine tuned machine".  However, a significant although shrinking minority were ready to buy whatever Trump was selling.  They discounted the lies, and enthusiastically agreed with the press bashing.  They argued "Let Trump be Trump", perhaps the scariest four words you can imagine.  We have come to a place where actual facts are in dispute.  When this happens, we are not speaking the same language.   I have a feeling the same discordancy preceded the Civil War.  The big difference now of course is that the fact denying Trumpistas are spread throughout the country and will continue to throw sand in the gears of government and civil discourse for a long time.  I can't imagine this entire episode ending well.

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