Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tactical refusals

Virtually all news outlets have been running with the story of how Trump's cabinet picks are facing historically slow rates of confirmation and are blaming demcrats' tactics as the main driver.  What they are mostly not stressing is the historically bad nature of most of the picks.  Many, including Education, EPA and Labor are either foes of the departments they were picked to head or else they are comically lacking in experience or qualifications for the job.   It's almost as if Trump was trying to make a mockery of government...oh, wait.   According to news reports of leaks from administration insiders, the transition plans drawn up by Chris Christie were literally tossed in a garbage can when Christie was defenestrated, probably at the insistence of Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and an avowed Christie enemy.  This action has contributed to the perceived chaos enveloping the nascent Trump government.  Of course this may be a feature, not a bug in Steve Bannon's strategy.  All the Democrats can do now is use the confirmation hearings to show this cynical plan for dismantling the New Deal programs which so many of Cheeto Jesus' voters depend on for what it is.  There are more and more calls for a general strike to bring the entire country to a halt.  Unless there is a very specific list of demands which the great majority of the people can agree on, I would oppose an anarchistic strike.  That would just play into the nascent fascist movement being encouraged by Trump's handlers.

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