Friday, February 3, 2017

American Psychosis

What to make of a 2nd generation descendant of immigrants applauding the latest administration restriction on more immigrants.  It's hard to unpack all the contradictions in the conversation and the nice polite republicans on NPR didn't even try.  They allowed the cashier at a café in Pennsylvania steel country, that was started by a Lebanese immigrant, to blather on about how proud she was of 14 Yugoslavian brothers and sisters who came to America searching for freedom without seeing the contradiction of her present stance.  This is the caliber of citizenship we are living with in 2017 America.  The rest of the interviews were nearly as depressing.  66% of the people who bothered to vote in the county which contains Johnstown voted for a man who demonstrated time and again his inept handling of business affairs.  Three bankruptcies, hundreds of stiffed contractors, and these people bought into a theory of expertise which will bring new jobs to old factories.  The lonely democrat the NPR correspondent spoke with praised the government cleanup of the air and water around this decaying steel town.  Every republican would trade that progress in a heartbeat for "good jobs", whatever that means. The farther we get into this new government, the more it seems a reflection of psychotic division of America into two mutually antagonistic visions of the future; one based on factual evidence and the other on wishful, magical thinking. 

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