Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Il Douche speaks

Donald Trump will hold an extended campaign rally before a joint session of Congress tonight and congratulate himself on all he has accomplished for the American people.  To whit; a botched executive order to ban mostly muslims from seven countries from coming to the US, pissing off the president and most of the people of Mexico, ditto China, appointing many people with either no experience in the departments they are in charge of or who have actively worked against the mission of those departments, launching (or not) an investigation into voter fraud while simultaneously affirming his YUGE win in the election.  There are probably other word salads which will issue from his pie hole, but I will not be listening.  With more and more revelations regarding contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence, I have a feeling President Pence will be giving the State of the Union message next January.  Somehow that does not comfort me.

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