Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Weather for winter sissies

Waking up to 6 inches of snow and more coming down is a reminder that despite climate change and this blog's referral to my location as the North Country Riviera or NCR, winter is a cruel mistress in the North Country.   Basking in 60 degree temps on Christmas day to shoveling snow 3 days later is a brutal way to acknowledge December.  Having my snowblower break the chain on the augur was merely the icing on the cake of my misery.  Freezing rain is next on Mother Nature's agenda, so power outages are also a possibility.  The last major weather event in the area was a major ice storm in 1999 courtesy of El Nino.  I don't want to contemplate the possibility of something similar in 2016.  Meanwhile, I hope today's weather is not a preview of the rest of the winter.   In a have your cake and eat it scenario, I want the warmer weather climate change brings but without the horrific by products.

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