Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The New Political Correctness

Where can you start with Donald Trump.  After making fun of Hillary's bathroom break at the Democratic debate last week, he went one better and used a Yiddish vulgarism describing a sexual assault to describe her loss of the Dem nomination in 2008 to President Obama.  Without a doubt, I have been in men's locker rooms with more decorum.  The inspiration for this blog, my dear friend Jerry Shulman would have been shocked to hear The Donald use his beloved Yiddish used to denigrate another human being.  To borrow from him, I would say Trump is the anti-mensch.  How this incarnation of what most  of us are ashamed of: racism, sexism, misogyny and plain mean spiritedness is within striking distance of a major party's presidential nomination is a sad commentary on our national dysfunction.  The long, slow devolution of the GOP to become the mouthpiece for the politics of hatred has been documented by many, but there will be a plethora of books devoted to the final descent of the party to its present depths.  The revulsion most of the country feels when the present front-runner for the republican nomination speaks will be manifested in the election results next November...I hope.

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