Friday, December 11, 2015

Gathering storm

It looks like there will be a full on battle between those of us who believe in an inclusive, caring society and the racist, misogynistic, homophobes who make up the core of the Republican party and are the driving force of Donald Trump's campaign.   I don't mean a physical battle, although there will be skirmishes.  The soul of America is at stake, and the battle will be for hearts and minds.  The 30% or so of the population that supported anything the Shrub did will fuel Trump's campaign of hate for anyone is not like "us".   It is up to the rest of us to support those who would counter this view with a message of inclusion and a plan to alleviate the pain and suffering which has driven many to embrace a nihilistic view of our current society.  As Bernie Sanders points out, the economy which is weighted toward the 1% has left many behind and their angst is fueling the demagogues on the right.   While the Democrats don't have anyone with Trump's charisma, either Hillary or Bernie can make the case for economic inclusion which should draw off much of his strength.  We all need to listen to our better angels, especially as we enter the Christmas season.

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