Monday, December 28, 2015

Radical Economics

As the invaluable Paul Krugman pointed out in his column this morning, the economic plans laid out for our perusal by all the republican candidates for president blow up the federal deficit with the efficiency of a hydrogen bomb.  Jeb! and the Donald lead the pack with deficit busting tax cuts which benefit the top one tenth of 1% of income earners.  Their unspoken corollary is that to make the cuts "deficit neutral" they would propose shredding the social safety net which more and more of our fellow citizens depend on.  As Krugman points out, the only time the republicans worry about the deficit is when a democrat is President.  They never worry about anyone not in the top 10% of income.    At least Trump is speaking to the rest of the country when he defends Social Security and Medicare.  That is why his poll numbers remain strong.   Even GOP voters have figured out the shell game most of the others are playing.

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