Tuesday, December 8, 2015

through the looking glass

Were Lewis G Carroll alive today, he would probably conclude the entire concept behind Alice in Wonderland was outmoded.   Donald Trump is the true Alice and he is taking us all on an excursion to a new Wonderland where weakness is strength, rational thought is fantasy and 300,000,000 million people need to cower before a couple of radicalized  Muslims.  The idea we should deny entry to the US based on the religion of the applicant is beyond parody.  As many have pointed out, Trump is now probably the biggest recruiter in the country for ISIS.   I remember in the aftermath of 9/11 how Sikh truckers delivering Canadian produce to the US were vilified and attacked because they wore turbans.  Fear of the "other" is a powerful force.  Beware anyone who advocates discrimination based on fear.   

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