Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Climate Luddites

We will soon be treated to the spectacle of the US House of Representatives voting to not support anything President Obama commits the country to do to mitigate climate change at the Paris conference.  While this will not surprise most people it is deeply embarrassing for anyone who values our standing in the world.  After 8 years of the Shrub's jingoistic foreign policy which unilaterally declared we will do whatever we feel is best for us and to hell with everyone else, Obama's initial approach raised our reputation.  Between drone strikes and the Arab spring, we have lost some of that luster, but by thumbing our noses at the rest of the world on the climate change issue, we risk becoming a pariah, instead of a leader.   The ignorance on display in Congress on a daily basis is breathtaking as well as mendacious.  I have a feeling even a Republican president would have trouble wrangling this pack of know-nothing jackasses.   The fate of the human race may very well hang in the balance and we have to listen to the likes of Ted Cruz tell us the accumulating evidence of disaster ahead of us is a conspiracy of scientists!   To do what?  The mind reels at the stupidity of such statements.  

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