Wednesday, December 16, 2015


It was almost a no-brainer (pun intended) when the republican candidates for President gathered in Las Vegas last night.   Advising us to wet our pants in terror of ISIS inspired gunmen and endorse WW3 with Russia over no fly zones in Syria (that's where my leakage started), the candidates sought to outdo each other as our security daddies.  Disregarding the fact more Americans die at the hands of police violence and fellow citizens every year than have been killed by terrorists since the country's founding, we were told we need to give up our privacy rights and most of the other guarantees of the constitution (except of course the right to own our very own arsenal of democracy) in the name of defeating a rag-tag bunch of Saddam Hussein's former army commanders and assorted Muslim jihadists.  This is what passes for national security debates among GOP candidates.  Certainly last night's festivities disqualified most if not all of the erstwhile candidates from getting within  a Brett Favre hail mary of the nuclear football.  The scary part is one of this motley crew will be the standard bearer for one of the two major political parties in our country.  May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on our souls!

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