Monday, December 14, 2015

My religion, not thine

As the Donald struggles to show his religious bona fides to the evangelical set, he is setting up the GOP for a huge fail.   Showing little tolerance for other faiths, the modern Republican party will make itself increasingly irrelevant and indeed frightful to those of other religious persuasions or the increasing minority of atheists and agnostics.  The confluence of  hard right politics and the evangelical sects' intolerance is a heady brew, but one which only a minority of the electorate is comfortable with.  I daresay Trump has not been inside a church in decades, and his new found faith is unlikely to sway the bible bangers.  The less scary but nevertheless more dangerous Ted Cruz will probably be the alternative for those who love the old time religion.   Besides many passages in the Old Testament, the religious right and hard line Islam have one very inflammatory doctrine in common.  They both preach intolerance of other religions.  They both feel conflict between them is inevitable and both feel they will win, whatever the cost. 

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