Monday, February 23, 2015

Turning the page

The seed orders are in.  Finally making decisions regarding varieties and quantities is always wrenching for me.  The proliferation of variations of so many vegetables makes it very hard to settle on the ones which will perform best in my own garden.  Johnnys Seeds, which is where I get most of my seeds and plants has a dizzying number of choices.  For corn alone, there are over 30 varieties listed.  Likewise carrots take up several pages in this year's catalog.  Then there is the choice between organic and conventional, pelleted or naked, coated or non.  At some point  exhaustion sets in and decisions are made based on expediency, availability and the prettiest picture for each variety.  My other big supplier is the smaller, Vermont based High Mowing Seeds.  They at least are all organic, all the time which means one less choice to be made.  The prices are up quite a bit this year.  Some of the priciest seeds can run as much as $.75/seed!   Even with the best of care, 100% germination is unlikely.  This adds even more cost and inconvenience when figuring out the how many tomato, pepper and eggplant seeds to order.   As with all gardeners, I am starting with hope for all of my selections.  I also know there will be winners and losers.   To all of my fellow sufferers, good luck.

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