Friday, February 27, 2015

This gang can't even shoot itself

The Republicans have had control of congress for a month now and it is quickly becoming a punchline.  While most Americans can't or won't spare the time to make sense of the dysfunction, I believe we are seeing the birth of a third party.  The Christian Right, the racist South and assorted crazies have either hijacked the GOP, or they will form a separate power center.  Most of these ideologues are elected from safe seats gerrymandered by Republican legislatures to ensure domination in congress.  A funny thing happened though.  The zealots elected in these districts are the real RINOs or republicans in name only.  These people are beholden to the far right fringe voters who elected them, not the leaders of their putative party.  They have no loyalty to Boehner and his leadership.  So in reality, there are three parties vying for power, the Dems, the Repubs and for lack of a better term, the Crazy.  The sooner Boehner realizes this and allies with the democrats to get legislation passed the sooner he will take a step toward a more sane political discourse.  We can only hope.

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