Thursday, February 19, 2015

The New Crusade

Slowly but surely, we are being manipulated into a holy war.   Islam vs. Christianity and the West would seem to be the title of this little charade.  The so-called Islamic state, a rag tag conglomeration of Saddam Hussein's Sunni army, Al Queda and self styled jihadists from across Europe and Asia is in one corner.  America and its allies are being dragged into the other corner by the machinations of Christian fundamentalist, neocon hawks, supporters of Israel and the John McCain wing of the GOP who would like nothing more than perpetual war in the Middle East.  The present administration is resisting the lure at this point.   The president made nice noises about Islam at a meeting to deal with religious terrorism, correctly pointing out the fundamental tenets of Islam are not what ISIS is all about.  However, the continued massacres and gruesome executions of innocents will force his hand in the end.  The diehards on both sides will get the war they want.  God bless them, because I certainly will not.

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