Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lying in plain sight

It looks like Faux News has given up any pretension it is a straight news outlet as the fallout from the Bill O'Reilly scandal grows.  As in the case of Brian Williams, it has come to light that O'Reilly has embellished his recollections of his time as a correspondent in Argentina during the Falklands War and in El Salvador.  When called on the difference between his grandiose remembrance and those of his contemporaries, he reacted with his typical mix of bombast and threats.  The odd thing is his superiors sided with him and support his version of events, even as they unravel in the media spotlight.   As the defacto face of the cable "news" outlet, O'Reilly will be protected at all costs, even to the last remaining shreds of the channel's reputation.  Of course, to the target audience this will be of little consequence.  The angry old white men who habitually watch O'Reilly and the rest of the gang at Fox will identify with the persecution of their hero.  Facts it seems do have a liberal bias after all!

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