Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This and that

-20 degrees this morning on the NCR.  Just sayin.   An intriguing article in the online aggregating site Vox says self driving cars will be a major slice of all autos by 2035.  The article was written by an avowed city dweller who I doubt ever had a 40 mile commute.  The theory of self driving vehicles is great, but the potential social fallout could be greater than any possible benefit.  The writer blithely predicts the displacement of millions of delivery people.  I suppose he figures they will all become software writers for other burgeoning industries which don't rely on human labor.  When will our machine overlords decide humanity is a useless parasite.  Let's not go down that road today.  In other news, the fight in Congress between the republican crazy caucus and the rest of humanity goes on.  It's looking more and more likely DHS employees will be working for nothing as the agency is defunded because the Senate refuses to undo the president's defacto immigration reforms.  Sounds crazy, and it is.  I can't wait to see what entertainment the Boehner's merry men will come up with when President Clinton is inaugurated!

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