Monday, February 16, 2015

New Passengers in the Clown Car

John Kasich, the governor of Ohio for those who don't follow politics, has started to explore a run for the Republican nomination for the presidency.  He is a white bread republican whose claim to fame is he was more conservative than the norm 25 years ago.  Of late, he has dabbled in voter suppression in  Ohio while simultaneously proposing Medicaid expansion.  He doesn't seem to have a sugar daddy among the billionaire set, so it would seem he will have to stand or fall on the merits of his proposals.  It's a shame we can't judge all candidates that way.  Instead, the Koch fueled candidates will have hundreds of millions of dollars to obfuscate their way to a nomination they will probably regret when they run into the Clinton meat grinder.  Despite the money the reactionary wealthy are ready to spend, unless they come up with a candidate with compelling ideas that resonate with the middle and lower classes it would seem we are in for another Democratic administration.

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