Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The study of our past has always been a favorite subject for me.  If I had been born into an academic family, I don't doubt I would have been a history professor at a college somewhere.  Unfortunately, most of my fellow Americans feel history is something you avoid.  When the Kenyan usurper, a.k.a the President of the United States dared to suggest that Christianity has a historical record which compares to Islam, he was immediately taken to task by Faux News for making inappropriate comparisons.  I wonder if the "fair and balanced" network will comment on the report in the NYT today regarding the nearly 4,000 lynchings of black men and women which occurred between the 1870s and 1950s in the "Christian" South.  Not to mention the many biblical justifications of slavery in the previous two centuries.  While the thugs who run ISIS are beyond the pale, the brutality they have manifested has been exceeded here in our one nation under god in relatively recent times.  The phrase "Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it" should be the first sentence from every history teacher's mouth at the beginning of each course.

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