Thursday, February 5, 2015

Boots on the ground

It seems there is no war that John McCain and Lindsey Graham can't find some rationale for planting American boots in someone else's country.  If, god forbid the senator from Arizona had been elected president in 2008, who knows how many brushfire conflicts would have claimed American lives.  Not to mention the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan where McCain famously said we would stay for a thousand years if necessary.  Meanwhile, on the home front a partisan Supreme Court seems ready to do what 56 votes in Congress could not; gut the Affordable Care Act.  This in the face of overwhelming evidence the suit in question is entirely spurious.  As one SCOTUS watcher put it, the Supremes will have a lot of explaining to do to future historians if they strike down a significant part of the law, since most of them have been on the other side when it suited their ideological purposes.  In both of the above cases, public opinion is against the course we are being dragged down.  Further confirmation, if any was needed that our democracy is increasingly in peril.

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