Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Have yourself a Happy Little New Year

It has been a not so wonderful year for most of us in the 99%.  Wages remain stagnant, far too many people are unemployed, the Congress is, thanks mostly to Republicans, unable to make the commonsense governing decisions to make the country function.   On the personal side, the weather was far to variable for easy gardening.  Wet weather in June destroyed the onion and potato crops at Casa Monzeglio and delayed corn planting until it was no longer practical.  As with all things weather related, there were compensations.  The beautiful fall weather enabled bumper crops of beets, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.  I'll rinse and repeat in 2014, hopefully with better results.  I have never been a big fan of resolutions, so I won't make any besides committing to my daily natterings on this blog.  I hope the political and economic situations will get better, but with the present polarization in the country, the aging and death of the "greatest" and the "boomer" generations is probably only way things will change.   I hope to break 80 on a golf course in 2014.  I also hope the family will remain healthy and any changes in that regard will be for the best.   Have yourself a Happy Little New Year and let's all "muddle through somehow".

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