Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Health care for Dummies

As it becomes more evident that the government's health care website is working and more and more people are signing up for health insurance, two things are happening.  First, republican's heads are exploding as the success of the website undercuts their argument that the whole system is unworkable.  Of course, the system in Massachusetts on which Obamacare is based has worked, so why shouldn't a nationwide system based on the same framework?  Second, more and more people are questioning the stupid premise of corporations profiting from everyone's need for healthcare.  We will all need medical intervention at times between our first breath and our last, and the easiest way to provide it is with Medicare for all.  By giving one entity the power to negotiate with Big Pharma, the hospital system and individual providers, we will have an efficient system similar to the one that delivers health care to our seniors.  A simple payroll deduction like the medicare or social security tax will take care of payment and most of the paperwork.  What's not to like if you are not an insurance company, or more specifically a millionaire CEO whose salary is paid by denying care to people and perpetuating a paperwork nightmare?

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