Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tis the season

I ran out to the garden last night and harvested a couple of bunches worth of collards for supper.  Although they have endured temps in the  low teens several times in the last week, the leaves were still in good condition.  The winterbor kale also looks good and a nice warm rain today should freshen them and the spinach.  It's getting down to final harvest, but it has been a long and productive fall at Casa Monzeglio, so I'm not complaining.  The 10-14 day forecast looks cold and snowy, so a white Christmas looks like a foregone conclusion.  Meanwhile, in the markets, most winter vegetables out of the western and southern growing areas are in the tank.  Demand seems to be nearly non-existent and even with tighter supplies being touted by shippers, no one seems to care.  The post Thanksgiving hangover is continuing and only Christmas business will get things moving again.

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