Friday, December 13, 2013


For my intemperate diatribe against winter, Mother Nature is threatening to bestow 10-15 inches of snow on Saturday night and Sunday.  For whatever sins they may have committed, American workers got the "bipartisan" budget screw from Congress last night.  Mother may be capricious, but at least I know what I'll be dealing with for the next several months.  Congress, on the other hand seems to be relentlessly cruel to the 99% of us making less than a half million per year.  And there is no spring in sight.  While some spending on domestic programs was restored, so was more bloat to a military which has no mission to speak of but plenty of budgetary power.  No infrastructure spending to speak of, no relief for long term unemployed workers and the knives are still out for "entitlement" programs.   Some areas of the country will be virtually abandoned in coming years if the Trans Pacific Partnership treaty goes through.  The offshoring of jobs will continue and people will continue to gravitate to low paying service jobs.   It's a metaphorical winter that never seems to end.  Of course, the way to bring spring to America is to elect people who have the interests of the vast majority of us at heart.  Will we wake up, or will the moral issues which cloud economic self interest continue to bring us the Michele Bachmans and Steve Kings whose fruitcake value systems are leading to the beggaring of the nation.  Winter is coming.... will it ever end.

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