Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Diet and Health

As we dive into the dietary vortex between Thanksgiving and Christmas, most of us tend to put on a few pounds.  Christmas parties, large meals, hectic schedules and COOKIES are diet killers.  Marc Bittman in today's NYT reminds us that moderation is important in a healthy diet.   I have flirted with the idea of vegetarianism or even veganism, but have usually pulled back from the brink, and Bittman's take on nutrition makes me feel better about the dietary path I and the Divine Mrs. M have taken over the years.  We now eat little red meat, and usually have one or two vegetarian meals per week.  With a large garden, the possibilities of all vegetable meals are endless.  It becomes more difficult during the winter, but still doable.  As both Bittman and the ethical nutritionist Michael Pollan preach, we eat lots of plants, little meat and processed foods and everything else in moderation.  The Achilles heel of this whole scenario is the upcoming holiday gluttony. 

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