Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The pope and the American way

The new pope has had the audacity to actually treat the teachings of Christ as if they have relevance in today's society.  Predictably, the right wing of America has had a collective hissy fit.  The pope is a Marxist according to Rush Limbaugh.   No, I'm not says Francis, but some of my best friends are and they sometimes make sense.  I think he is playing with their heads.  The problem for the elites in our society is the New Testament is diametrically opposed to business as usual in 21st century America.  The religious dialogue is supposed to be focused on gays and abortions.  Like the wizard of Oz says, we are supposed to ignore the guy pulling the ropes and mouthing the phrases.   Jesus told the rich man to give all his wealth to the poor and free his spirit.  No wonder they crucified him.  These latter day Pharisees will not rest until Francis' message is muzzled and the conversation is returned to icky sex.   Let's hope the pontiff continues to discomfort the rich and give hope to the poor during the coming year.  It's almost enough to make this fallen away Catholic think their is something more to his childhood religion than incense and punishment.

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