Thursday, December 19, 2013

Solstice musings

Let me make this perfectly clear.  I hate winter.  I know that's close to sacrilegious if you live in the north country, but I treat it the way southerners treat summer.  It's something to live through as expeditiously as possible.  While NYC and environs will set record temps this weekend with rain, the NCR (North Country Riviera for those who don't follow this blog on a regular basis) will be on the rain/snow line.  We expect 6-8 inches of white stuff, followed by freezing rain and then a plunge into the deep freeze to lock it all in place.   The psychic toll this takes on everyone, especially with little or no sunshine and the shortest days of the year is insidious.  All I want to do right now is curl up with a seed catalog or watch the golf channel.  But instead, I'll be scraping and shoveling and thinking of warmer days to come.  As the days lengthen a little and we get into January, I'll probably start skiing again and trying to make the best of a bad situation, but in the meantime it's good to get a little winter hate on the record.

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