Thursday, January 2, 2014

One down

It's 14 degrees below 0 as I write this and I'm not happy.   Winter on the NCR is looking more brutal by the day.  2014 has started, but the weather is definitely retro.  This is more like something the locals experienced back in the 50s and 60s.  Of course the climate deniers will be out in force.  Meanwhile in Australia, the temps are in the 120s.  The changes mankind is making to the weather are not uniform and some areas may experience colder weather for a time, but the general trend is for higher temps and erratic weather events.  California is in a drought situation which may affect fresh vegetable prices in the future.  If growers cannot get enough water, they will not be able to grow the volume of crops  they might wish and the supply will not meet demand, leading to higher prices.  So, climate change will indirectly affect all of us.  One day into the new year and I already feel like Cassandra.  Hopefully, Pollyanna will come out to play tomorrow.

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