Friday, January 24, 2014

Hilary and the new populism

While everyone waits for the shoe to drop and Hilary to announce her candidacy for president, it would be well to think about what she might bring to the table.   Faced with the inevitability of climate change, the persistence of high inequality of income in this country and political instability around the world, we need a leader with a clear grasp of the issues and a plan.  I don't think anyone doubts her ability.  What we need to see is her passion to come to grips with the problems and lead the whole country in solving them.  There is little doubt that somewhere between 20 and 30% of the population will consider any Democratic president to be illegitimate.  These dead-enders are the same ones who still consider the shrub to be a great president and they can safely be ignored.  Ms. Clinton needs to reach the 70% of the population who are persuadable and convince them we need to tackle the climate, class inequality and global peace as priorities.  If she embraces this new populism, a majority of the country will eagerly follow.  If, on the other hand she pushes the tired "Third Way", also known as more of the same, she will lose many who would otherwise be supporters.  It will not be enough to be the first woman president.  She needs to be the first candidate and first president of all the people.

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