Monday, January 20, 2014

Into the Deep Freeze

Looks like an old fashioned winter here on the NCR.  With the latest blast from the north, we will be below zero most nights this week and barely above during the days.  Add an inch or two of snow every other day and the miserable picture is complete.   The main body of Lake Champlain remains open, but if the wind drops over the next few days, most of the bays and backwaters will freeze solid.   It has been several years since I was able to ski around some of the local islands, but it looks like I'll have the chance again this winter.  It is better to get out and do something than sit inside and complain, but there will be plenty of chances to do that also.  Meanwhile, it remains warm and epically dry in the west.  A drought emergency in California will begin to put restrictions on agriculture.  The farming interests in California use 75-80%of the state's water, but the cities are increasingly thirsty, so it is possible there may be cutbacks in lettuce acreage this summer.  That will make for higher prices at retail and opportunities for eastern growers.

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