Monday, January 6, 2014

Quick Changes

Unlike our frozen political discourse, the weather is changing wildly this week.  As I write this it is 45 degrees on the NCR, or about 60 degrees warmer than it was on Saturday morning.  By nightfall, we will be back in the single digits.  After that it will warm back up to the mid 30s by Friday with freezing rain again.  There will be collapsing roofs around the north country;  hopefully none will be mine.  Meanwhile, the congress will be looking to continue the pain for the long term unemployed.  While legislation to restore benefits will be introduced, the Ayn Rand caucus will filibuster the bill, because it will do a "disservice" to said unemployed by allowing them to not find the non-existent jobs that are currently begging.  NOT.  With three applicants for every job opening, employers can be extremely picky and one of the first disqualifications they make are for those who have not had a job for more than a few months.  The stigma, especially for a worker in their 50s and early 60s is devastating and will probably prevent many from ever  returning to gainful employment.  If the government is not willing to be the employer of last resort, just continue the benefits until these people reach retirement.  It would be a kinder, gentler way to keep the economy going until it can generate the numbers of jobs necessary to reach full employment.

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