Wednesday, January 29, 2014

SOTU and the rest of us

sorry I was out of town, so missed a couple of posts.  Listened to snips of the SOTU and some of the commentary and doubt I would have gotten much more sitting through the whole thing.  The main news is the president putting congress on notice he will use executive orders to effect change whenever possible if the nation's legislators can't get their act together.  This led to the requisite hand wringing by the republicans who had no intention of acting on the president's agenda.  By unilaterally raising the minimum wage for federal contractors the president will give democrats something to run on this fall.  Many programs or proposed legislation like that is popular with most Americans and the GOP ignores this at their peril.  Most of us were waiting for Mr. Obama to act decisively and prod congress to catch up or risk irrelevancy.  Let's see if Boehner and his merry men get the message.

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