Monday, November 18, 2013

Weather and Time

The late fall honeymoon is looking like a very short term deal here on the NCR.  50 MPH winds are blowing Sunday's mild temperatures out to sea and the big chill will be here for the next few days.  The garden is getting tired.  I harvested a few items for the Divine Mrs. M, but the foliage on the beets, carrots and turnips were damaged and I had to peel several layers off the nappa cabbage to reach leaves that were undamaged by the last cold snap.  The warm rain yesterday and today will put life back in to the broccoli.  I may get out the flashlight tonight and pick the last few heads.  Meanwhile, the golf courses remain optimistic, but so do the local ski areas.  I mowed the lawns for the last time on Saturday and if I had been ambitious, I could have skied and played golf on Saturday and Sunday. 

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