Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Health Care for all

The news for the ACA, aka Obamacare is getting better by the day.  Even the news media, with their fascination with the good news, bad news meme is finding it harder to come up with equivalent horror stories about rising premiums or website delays to balance the good news of formerly uninsured people finding affordable insurance.   NPR explored the private insurance exchanges being used by large companies to try to rein in health care costs.  By giving their employees a fixed amount of money each month to find their own insurance, companies with thousands workers can now figure exactly how much insurance is costing them.  Also, they can now cap the amount they give to employees and leave said employees holding the bag if costs go up.  I believe this will eventually drive a groundswell of support for "Medicare for all".  This was not politically feasible until now, since the vast majority of Americans with healthcare through their employer were not willing to change something that worked for them.  However, by forcing most people to deal with the bewildering complexity the insurance companies deliberately use to drive up costs, there will be more support for the simpler, single payer system.

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