Monday, November 4, 2013

Slip sliding into winter

The big cool down continued this weekend.  After a soggy Saturday spent harvesting for the food co-op and cleaning up the tomato patch, the temperature started dropping during the night and finished below freezing on Sunday morning.  Despite lots of sun, the mercury or digital, depending on your generation, never got above 38 degrees.  I harvested beets, celery root and the last planting of romaine.  The latter was only good at the heart, but made a tasty end of season salad.  Aside from the winterbor kale and spinach, which shrugged off the temps, the rest of the greenstuff looked ragged, even at the end of the afternoon.  I doubt things will get much better in the short term, but a warm midweek rain and rising night temps should keep the broccoli and other greens going for another week. 

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