Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Health care blues

I think most Americans feel the way I do about Obamacare.  It doesn't really affect me since we have had health care through the Divine Mrs. M's job since the 1970s and it has served us well.  Intellectually and now by personal experience as our offspring get their own policies we know there are people at risk due to the soaring price of care, but it doesn't impact us directly.  We smugly go about our business thinking we made the right decisions and fellow citizens with junk policies or no health care at all were foolish.  Unfortunately, many did not have the option to choose gold plated policies to protect their families.  As Alan Grayson once famously put it the Republicans have a health care plan for those without insurance.  It's called the "if you get sick, die quickly", plan.  While it is not Medicare for all, the ACA at least makes a dent in  the ranks of the uninsured.  There is no good reason not to give the law a chance to prove its worth, except in the minds of those who feel that its success could spell the end of the party of angry old white men.

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