Friday, November 8, 2013

Garden redux

Despite the cooler than normal temps, the garden continues to yield surprises.  I harvested some broccoli, kohlrabi and some truly gigantic daikon radishes for the local co-op last night.  A couple of nights in the upper teens and lower 20s damaged the turnip greens and broccoli rabe and have pretty much stopped anything from growing, but a warm rain yesterday has perked up most of the foliage.  I expect to harvest quite a few items this weekend for short term storage since we are supposed to receive an arctic cold front on Tuesday and Wednesday.  That will keep the temp below freezing for 48 hours and probably freeze the top several inches of soil.  Time to get the nappa and bok choy out as well as beets and turnips.  The spinach, carrots and winterbor kale can survive the blast as long as it warms up by next weekend. We'll see....

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