Monday, November 25, 2013

Freeze and aftermath

Winter made an early visit to the NCR on Saturday with a couple of inches of the white stuff and temps in the single digits this morning.  Anticipating the onslaught, I harvested the last of my carrot crop and am trying an old storage technique.  I dug a trench in one of my cold frames and buried a 30 gallon plastic tote up to its rim.  I put the carrots in the bin, layered the carrots with clean sand, snapped the lid on the bin and mulched the frame with straw.  I put the lights back on the frame and now I'll wait until February or March to see if the carrots hold up.  Otherwise, it is back to the tasteless supermarket imposters for the spring.  I filled up a spare refrigerator with spinach, broccoli, parsley and carrots, so we'll eat garden veggies til sometime in December.  By then, the seed catalogs will be coming in and I'll start planning for next year.

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