Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Changing tastes

Apropos of my post regarding carrot storage for the winter, I find the changing tastes of Americans interesting and in some ways troubling.  As recently as my own childhood, I remember eating lots more potatoes and root veg during the winter and mostly canned green vegetables.  The fresh versions of green beans, greens and other summer vegetables were either not available or of such poor quality when they finally made it to our local A&P that my mother bypassed them.  The interstate highway system, the development of post harvest cooling techniques and the overall improvement of the cold chain have led to a revolution in fresh vegetable options for winter consumption.  Blast freezing has also vastly improved the frozen foods section, so the possibilities for eating a balanced, healthy diet have never been so good.  So why is obesity endemic in the population?  If you casually check the shopping carts at most grocery stores, the proportion of processed foods in most are very high compared to fresh or minimally processed vegetables.  As the cartoon character Pogo (another holdover from the 1950s) has famously said, "We have met the enemy and he is us".

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