Monday, February 11, 2013

Winterfell or Skyfall ?

Pop references aside, the storm which pounded the Northeast on Friday and Sat. was another weather event for the record books.  My old stomping ground on L.I. received a whopping 30 inches.  The authorities had to close the L.I.E. on Sunday so they could remove the hundreds of stranded vehicles abandoned during the storm.  Here on the North Country Riviera, we got about 10 inches, which by our reckoning is a dusting.  I almost went skiing, but the slopes were innundated  by winter starved skiers, so I decided to wait a week.  Did make my first ever batch of gnocchi on Saturday, and it was well received.  Certainly not in the same league as Grandma's and Grandpop's, but still not bad for a first attempt.  I'm encouraged to try again.  Personal doings aside, the weather is still the big story.  How many events like this do we need before climate change moves to the center of the national debate? 

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