Monday, February 25, 2013

This and that

The celery and sage seedlings are up, so all the early crops are up and growing.  Next on the agenda are the peppers and late blooming flowers.  It's easy to get antsy and start too many different varieties which become difficult to care for with limited facilities available.  But that has never stopped me before.  After 40 years of gardening and 10 years of farming experience before that, one thing that has always impressed me is the myriad potentials for both failure and success in the growing and harvesting of garden crops.
    On the political front, the budget cuts involved with the sequester will impact the produce industry, albeit not as much as some other businesses.  Importing of fresh fruits and veg will become more time consuming as there will be fewer inspectors available.  Nationwide, there will be fewer FDA personnel available which will lead to more holdups on shipments.  Tempers will be short.

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