Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Current Events Overload

Papal resignations, state of the union address, North Korean nuclear tests and on and on.  The dizzying rush of current events threaten to overwhelm anyone who is trying to stay engaged with the world.  Add in gun control issues and an occasional deranged gunman and it is no wonder most people claim they can't be bothered to keep up.  Of course the most knowledgeable person must also admit there is precious little the average citizen can do to affect anything happening in the world today.  While that is true regarding one person, the ability of a truly engaged citizenry can certainly change policies which would otherwise remain static.  The issue of gun control is an example of ordinary people rising up to dispute the supposedly all-powerful NRA.  While the ultimate resolution of the issue is still in doubt, many people feel empowered to challenge the CW.  The accession of a new Pope will I think be greeted by a collective yawn by the 1.2 billion Catholics in the world.  Most American laity have long since ingnored the head of the clan of the red beanie because of the church's inability to connect with the concerns of the common man.  Not to mention the increasing doubt about the whole reality of god in a scientific and materialistic world.  As for the state of the union, I can only hope the President follows the advice of his better angels and the reality based community and proposes common sense and practical solutions to the problems facing the country and the world.  Cutting programs and shrinking the role of government in an era of increasing complexity is madness or the wish of powerful non government entities who most certainly do not have the welfare of the average person as their raison d' etre.  Just saying...

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