Wednesday, February 6, 2013

No No Nanos

The newest threat to the food safety of the American public is a class of nanoparticles used in foods to brighten colors, enhance creaminess and otherwise make food substances more attractive.  As usual, there has been little or no testing or debate concerning the health impacts of these particles which are little bigger than molecules.  They can easily enter the bloodstream and even individual cells with who knows what effect on our health.   The one example that has been quoted in a recent article in the NYT is titanium dioxide in the sugar coating on Dunkin Donuts powdered cake donuts.  The only reason this stuff is used is to brighten the color white.  So, most of these particles are used to cosmetically retouch food, and I use that word loosely.  The American public is once again being used as guinea pigs in an experiment with no controls.  The driving principle is making money and our health be damned.  What a world!

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