Monday, February 18, 2013

Season starters

It was a brisk and blustery weekend on NCR, but spring is in the air.  Or at least in the basement.  I got the first seeds planted on Saturday.  Rosemary, snapdragons, celosia and sage.  These seeds either take forever to germinate, or grow so slowly it can take 10-12 weeks before they are ready to go into cold frames or the open garden.  May 15 is figurartively around the corner.   I also ordered a few more odds and ends to complete my first "caterpillar tunnel".   I'm hoping for extra early tomatoes and peppers this year.  It's a far cry from having all the parts to constructing the tunnel in the middle of the srping rush, but I'm committed to the idea this year.  I also have to construct another table to grow on the seeds I am starting now, since the peppers, other flowers and eventually the tomatoes will demand the limited space on the heat mat in the basement.  Excelsior...

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