Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let the games begin

As usual with a State of the Union address, the President diagnoses the country's ills and prescribes the medicine he deems necessary the heal the patient.  Then the opposition, whether well intentioned or not, rejects the prescription and proposes pretty much the opposite of whatever was offerred.  This is pretty much the scenario every year, and depending on your political views is either welcome news, anathema, or more of the same.  I usually fall into the latter, more of the same category.  This president is a nice, well intentioned fellow who insists on believing in the better nature of his opponents.  If  gun control was not such a hot topic, I would have said he always brings a  knife to a gunfight.  All in all, it was a hopeful message which I have little doubt will be trashed in the months ahead.  Little wonder most Americans shrug their shoulders and continue their daily grind.  A grand vision is inspiring, but most of us want a government which mitigates the cruelties, great and small whcih afflict us every day.  Unfortunately, one party seems dead set against this kind of amelieration and instead would prefer the most painful alternative to whatever the President wishes done.  Ted Nugent is the poster boy for the Republican vision.    I wish I could be more optimistic about the next two years, but until the party of dyspeptic middle aged and older white guys ages out of political power the vast majority of us will suffer their foolishness.

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